Prof. Dr. Sergio Rossi, Ph.D.
University of Fribourg
Department of Economics
Chair of Macroeconomics
and Monetary Economics
Bd de Pérolles 90
CH-1700 Fribourg
PER21 - Office G432
T +41 26 300 82 45
F +41 26 300 96 78
sergio.rossi (at) unifr.ch
Office hours
Short bio
Sergio Rossi is Full Professor of Economics at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, where he holds the Chair of Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics. He is also a Senior Scholar at the Monetary Policy Institute, and a member of the Council of the Jean-Monnet Foundation for Europe at the University of Lausanne. He ran his own blog for L’Hebdo from 2012 to 2016, and for Le Temps from 2017 to 2023. From 2009 to 2022 he was a columnist for Plusvalore, a programme broadcast on Swiss Radio. After obtaining his Ph.D. degree in political economy (1996), he carried on his research work on monetary macroeconomics, and was honoured with two awards by the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the United Kingdom for his Ph.D. degree in economics at University College London (2000). He has been a guest professor at the Centre for Banking Studies in Lugano (2000–2007) and at various universities in Europe. His research interests focus on macroeconomic analysis, particularly as regards national and international monetary and financial issues.He has authored and edited many books (among them an encyclopedia of central banking and an encyclopedia of post-Keynesian economics), widely published in academic journals, and is often invited to TV and radio talk-shows discussing contemporary economic issues at national and international level. He is a member of the scientific board of Cogent Economics and Finance, Economia Internazionale / International Economics, Economics and Finance Research, the International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, the Journal of Economics and International Finance, the Review of Keynesian Economics, and the Review of Political Economy. In 2012, L’Hebdo included him in the 100 most prominent persons in French-speaking Switzerland. Since 2015 he has been listed in the ranking of the most influential economists in Switzerland established by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung.