All Staff from A to Z

Andreasyan Narek

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Audiffren Julien

Senior Researcher, Department of Informatics

Senior Researcher, Medicine Section

Baghirova Narmina

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Bangerter Elise

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Borcard Daniel

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Curty Simon

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

PhD Student SNSF, Department of Informatics

Dubler Fernand

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Fasel Stephanie

Administrative Officer, Department of Informatics

Administrative Officer, Department of Informatics

Guyot Dorian

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Humm Andreas

Research Associate, Department of Informatics

Jobin Anna

Senior Researcher, Human-IST - Human-centered Interaction Science and Technology

Senior Researcher, Department of Informatics

Kadri Ilyes

Senior Researcher, Department of Informatics

Kaegi Nicholas

Graduate Administrative Officer, Department of Informatics

Leuenberger Christoph

Lecturer, Department of Informatics

Lecturer, Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science and Medicine

Lecturer, Department of Physics

Marti Melvin

Graduate Administrative Officer, Department of Informatics

Martín Caba Sofia

Research Associate, Department of Informatics

Research Associate, NCCR - Bio-Inspired Materials

Mauron Esther

Administrative Officer, Department of Informatics

Administrative Officer, Department of Informatics

Muff Fabian

Senior Researcher, Department of Informatics

Móndal Manuel

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Nater Quentin

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Nembrini Julien

Research Associate, Human-IST - Human-centered Interaction Science and Technology

Senior Researcher, Department of Informatics

Park Kibin

Junior Researcher, Department of Informatics

Ramosaj Agneta

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Ries Bernard

Vice-Rector, Rectorate

Professor, Department of Informatics

Rima Samy

Senior Researcher, Department of Informatics

Senior Researcher, Medicine Section

Rosset Julien

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Schoenenweid Marion

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Thoo Yong-Joon

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding, Department of Informatics

Ultes-Nitsche Ulrich

Dean, Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science and Medicine

Professor, Department of Informatics

Widmer Marino

Department Head, Department of Informatics

Professor, Department of Informatics