Institute for Family research and counseling (IFF)

The Institute for Family research and counseling employs an interdisciplinary team, which works on questions concerning family topics. Our main focus involves research, teaching and training. For families, the Institute offers a useful course and consulting offers.



Rejection in romantic relationships: Does rejection sensitivity modulate emotional responses to perceptions of negative interactions?

Rejection is a highly stressful experience and individuals tend to avoid it whenever possible. In intimate relationships, experiences of rejection can shape the interaction dynamics between partners. Highly…

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Attachment insecurities, emotion dynamics and stress in intimate relationships during the transition to parenthood

In intimate relationships, which are characterized by emotional interdependence, partners act as attachment figures which serve emotion regulation functions. The experience of emotions as well as the strategies…

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Es gibt immer eine Alternative zur Gewalt

Im Herbst 2018 lancierte Kinderschutz Schweiz die Präventionskampagne «Starke Ideen ? Es gibt immer eine Alternative zur Gewalt». Die wissenschaftliche Begleitstudie der Kampagne, ausgeführt durch das…

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The Center of Consultation and Therapy of the Institute for the Family offers ambulatory aids for children, adolescents, parents, couples, and individuals. This includes legal counseling, psychological counseling and psychotherapy (in German and French).

Information about counsel


The Institute for the Family is mainly a scientific research institute whose aim is to conduct quality empirical research in several specialized and interdisciplinary fields.


Information about research

Master in Family, Children and Youth Studies

The Institute for the Family has designed an interdisciplinary Master which offers training in the fields of psychology, educational sciences, law as well as social and human sciences (in German).

Information about Master


The Institute for the Family is initially active in university education, but also offers, on its own or in conjunction with other universities, various continuing education courses.


Information about continuing education

Goûters Scientifiques

With the "Goûters Scientifiques" we would like to give 8 - 12 year old children the opportunity to look behind the doors of the University of Fribourg. They meet professors, assistants and students, sit in a large lecture hall, and deal with a scientific topic (in French and German). 

Goûters Scientifiques