Environmental Humanities Lunches

Environmental challenges are part of many areas of research and everyday life. The Environmental Humanities Lunches invite scientists and practitioners to critically reflect on their environmental challenges from the perspective of environmental ethics. After an introduction to the environmental challenge by our guests and a brief commentary from an ethical point of view, we offer a space for debate.

Confronted with an environmental challenge yourself and interested in a discussion? Contact us!

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Lunches spring semester 2024


PD Dr. André Galli, University of Bern:

The Promise and Perils of Space Exploration from a Sustainability Perspective


Kamlesh Brocard, Scientific Advisor at the Swiss Space Office of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) : The Promise of Space Exploration from a Sustainability Perspective

09.04.2024 PD, Dr. rer. pol. Mathias Binswanger: Towards an Algorithm-Driven Economy - How AI Manages People and the Economy
16.04.2024 Tobias Häberli, Co-Director at Swiss Existential Risk Initiative: Does AI threaten our future on Earth?

Yvan Maillard, HEKS (Hilfswerk der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirche Schweiz): How can a Swiss NGO support Climate Justice and Gender Equality? Examples and case studies from the Global South


Catherine Buchmüller-Codoni, Staatssekretariat für Migration (SEM): Is there Justice in Migration?