Agenda de la Faculté


Groupe Suisse d'Etudes Patristiques

Ouvert au grand public Conférence
10.12.2021 18:15 - 19:45
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Richard Burgess (University of Ottawa)
What Can the Coins Tell us about the Reign of Constantine I? Three Case Studies: Chronology, Public Image, and Christianity.

Maksim Kalinin (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
Newly Discovered Chapters of the East Syriac Mystical Writer Joseph Hazzaya.

Quand? 10.12.2021 18:15 - 19:45
En ligne

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Intervenants Richard Burgess (University of Ottawa)
Maksim Kalinin (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
Contact Groupe Suisse d'Etudes Patristiques
Alexey Morozov
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