Core Courses

Instruction in Fundamental moral theology on the level of the core courses in the Bachelor program follows a two year cycle (during the 2nd and 3rd years of the program), structured around the themes of the first part of the moral section (Prima secundae) of Thomas Aquinas’ Summa of Theology. This program of study also contain a semester devoted to Special Moral Theology and is taught by the Professor of Special Moral Theology, Prof. Thierry Collaud. These courses are all taught in French.

Bachelor Courses

Les principes extérieurs des actes humains. Loi et grâce

BACHELOR | SA-2023 | UE-TTH.01139 | 4 ECTS
Théologie morale et éthique. Les principes extérieurs des actes humains. Loi et grâce. Cours principal

Mo 10:15 - 12:00, MIS 03 - 3024

Tu 11:15 - 12:00, MIS 03 - 3027
Teacher: Prof. Luc-Thomas Somme o.p.


Fundamental moral theology concludes with a consideration of the external principles of human acts that lead us to beatitude, that is to say, to God himself. The study of the virtues has already shown that the infused virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are necessary to act divinely, by participation. But if action follows being, then deification must be ontological before it is ethical. Participation in the divine nature, the dwelling of God in us, divine filiation express this participation in the Son-being and God-being of the Lord Jesus, giving us a share in his Spirit. The divine law, which guides the actions of believers throughout the ages, culminates as a new law, not written on tablets of stone but inscribed in hearts of flesh: the very grace of the Holy Spirit.

La charité

MASTER | SP-2024 | UE-TTH.01140 | 4 ECTS

Théologie morale et éthique. La charité. Cours principal

Mo 10:15 - 12:00, MIS 03 - 3026

Tu 11:15 - 12:00, MIS 03 - 3027
Teacher: Prof. Luc-Thomas Somme o.p.


Following on from the course on faith and hope in the autumn term, this core course looks not only at one particular virtue, namely charity, but more generally at how God, who is Love, gives Himself to us, transforms us and enables us to love as He does and in Him. In "love of God", God is both the subject who loves and the One who is loved. But charity is also love of neighbour, love of brother, love of the least of these and even love of the enemy. Charity is thus the summit of the Christian life and no less its necessary permanent substratum.

Master Courses

The holder of the chair in Fundamental Moral Theology also teaches every two years a core course in the Masters program.