Faculté de théologie
Offre générale et informations sur le doctorat en Faculté de théologie.
With its training, research and advisory services, the Centre for Higher Education Didactics contributes to the continuing education of teachers and lecturers as well as to the further development of the departments and faculties of the university. For PhD students, workshops on preparing the thesis defence and training on university didactics are being specifically offered.
The language Centre of the University of Fribourg offers a wide range of language courses in various languages, including courses for researchers (e.g. Academic English Speaking and Writing).
The REGARD course programme offers female doctoral students, postdocs and professors concrete and practical tools for their academic career. In the courses you can acquire interdisciplinary skills and expand your network.
The Réseau romand is a mentoring programme for young female researchers. It helps female researchers to solve the practical difficulties related to the organisation of academic life and the realisation of their scientific career.
Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes
The main task of the CFE network consists of individual consultations, training workshops and teaching evaluations. There are several workshops for doctoral students and assistants.
Réseau romand de Conseil, Formation et Evaluation (RCFE)
Complementary programme for students of the University of Fribourg who are motivated to broaden their horizons by taking a special course outside their field of study.
Strengthen and promote the digital skills of teachers, students and the institution.
Les facultés, départements et chaires de l’Université de Fribourg proposent à leurs doctorant.e.s un large panel de programmes et de cours.
Veuillez consulter les indications relatives aux colloques et/ou séminaires de doctorat proposés, sur les sites web de vos chaires respectives.
Offre générale et informations sur le doctorat en Faculté de théologie.
Offre générale et informations sur le doctorat en Faculté de droit.
De plus, la Faculté de droit propose l’offre suivante:
Offre générale et informations sur le doctorat en Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines.
Offre générale et informations sur le doctorat en Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales et du management.
Offre générale et informations sur le doctorat en Faculté des sciences et de médecine.
De plus, la Faculté des sciences et de médecine propose l’offre suivante: