SwissSed Steering Committee

SwissSed lives by the interest and initiative of its members. To become a member, please contact a steering committee member:

Prof. Flavio Anselmetti
Institute of Geological Sciences
University of Bern
Baltzerstrasse 1+3
CH-3012 Bern

Prof. Anneleen Foubert
Department of Geosciences
University of Fribourg
Chemin du Musée 6
CH-1700 Fribourg

Prof. Vincenzo Picotti
Geological Institute
ETH Zurich
Sonneggstrasse 5
CH-8092 Zürich

Prof. Elias Samankassou
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Geneva
Rue des Maraichers 13
CH-1205 Geneva

 +41 31 631 87 06

 +41 26 300 89 87

 +41 44 632 81 60

 +41 22 379 66 20