Workshops 2024

We are looking forward to welcome you in our workshops. Registration starts usually six weeks before each workshop.




Results (NaN Results)

Communication et visibilité sur les réseaux sociaux

 11 octobre 2024


 Registration open

Vulgariser et parler aux médias

 24 & 25 octobre 2024


 Registration open

The research proposal: How to convince evaluators to fund your Horizon Europe research project

 30 octobre 2024


 Registration open

Viser l'équilibre: vers une gestion consciente du temps et de l'énergie

 15 novembre 2024 Suivi individuel à convenir avec l'intervenante


 Registration open

Project management for successful researchers

 22 & 23 February 2024  


Public speaking in English for researchers

 11 March 2024


Emotional intelligence: why it matters

 15 & 27 March 2024


ADDITIONAL WORKSHOP: Self-empowerment: How to discover your power to act

 18 & 19 March 2024 & 26 (or 30) April 2024


Pushing back against everyday sexism

 21 March


Ally training for men: How to stand up against discrimination, sexism and bias

 11 April 2024  


Reconnaître et affirmer ses potentiels

 26 avril 2024


The research proposal: How to convince evaluators to fund your research - focus SNSF

 2nd May 2024
