Translation and scientific commentary of the works of the Russian economist, philosopher of religion and theologian Sergij N. Bulgakov (1871-1944); several times funded by the SNSF (36 months from 1.10.1997; 18 months from 1.5.1999; 24 months from 1.5.2002)
"The secret is mine." Walter Nigg - a scientific biography and monograph of his work (SNF; 30 months from 1.6.2006)
"The secret is mine." Walter Nigg - a scientific biography and monograph of his work (SNF; publication grant 2009)
The theological foundation of the socio-political contributions of the Russian Orthodox Church in the European unification process since 1989 on the basis of official publications (SNSF; 36 months from 1.4.2006)
The Understanding of the Human Soul in Edith Stein - Clarifying a Basic Concept (SNF; 18 months from 1.4.2009)
Russian Catholic resources for Orthodox Catholic dialogue. Information centre and online library at the Institute for Ecumenical Studies of the University of Freiburg (research pool of the University of Freiburg; 6 months from 15.3.2010)
Freiburg contributions to the commemoration year of the Reformation 2017. Basic research on a scientific biography of Erwin Iserloh (1915-1996) (research pool of the University of Freiburg; 3 months from 1.10.2011)
Head of the interdisciplinary, interfaculty and international theological doctoral program "De Civitate hominis. Theology in the Post-Ecumenical Age" (with Prof. Dr. Astrid Kaptijn and Dr. Augustin Sokolovski; 2012-2016, funded by the Swiss Rectors' Conference CRUS)
Dr. Hermine Speier: a German Jewess in the Vatican. Biographical basic research on a scientific biography in cooperation with Mrs. Gudrun Sailer, Radio Vaticana, financed by sponsoring (12 months from 1.10.2012).
Interdisciplinary colloquium on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Sergij Bulgakov's "Philosophy of Economy" (1912); conference contribution (SNF; 3 months from 1.11.2012)