Kiev Theological AcademyPublished on 27.03.2023

The tradition-steeped Kiev Theological Academy is threatened with closure. An appeal

The Ukrainian government has ordered the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to leave the famous Kiev Monastery of the Caves by 29 March. The church's Theological Academy is also located on this territory. Monks, professors and students of the monastery and academy are apprealing for support. Western academic institutions have also joined the appeal, for example the Faculty of Theology of the University of Münster: (see NEWS of 24 March 2023).

Appeal in different languages






Open Letter by the Rector of the Kiev Theological Academy, Archbishop Sylvester (English-German)

Publication of the Letter by KNA-Ökumenische Informationen (VII-VIII; see p. 7)

Thanks of the Academy to KNA

A commentary by Sergyi Bortnyk: Kein Konflikt um illegal errichtete Gebäude, sondern staatlicher Druckversuch auf die UOK (German)

Witness by students from Kiev (with English subtitles)

Letter by the Patriarch of the Georgian Orthodox Church to Patriarch Bartholomew (French-German)

NEWS by Peter Anderson (NEWS starting with 12 March 2023)

Report about the 29 March 2023 in the Academy

The Academy on Facebook

Analysis of the situation by Fr Cyril Hovorun