Jon Mosar
Professeur titulaire (depuis 2011), Habilitation (venia legendi) 2003
+41 26 300 8982
Senior Researcher,
Department of Geosciences
PER 07 bu. 0.305
Ch. du Musée 6
1700 Fribourg
Research and publications
66 publications
Influence of Inherited Structures on Deformation Patterns in the Eastern Jura Fold and Thrust Belt: Insights from 3D Seismic Data
Jon Mosar, Miller Zambrano, Stefano Mazzoli, (2025) | PreprintTectonics in the Greater Caucasus (Georgia – Russia): From an intracontinental rifted basin to a doubly verging fold-and-thrust belt
Marine and Petroleum Geology (2022) | Journal articleNumerical modelling of current state of stress in the Geneva Basin and adjacent Jura fold-and-thrust belt (Switzerland and France).
Borderie and Jon Mosar and Louis Hauvette and Adeline Marro and Anna Sommaruga and Michel Meyer, (2022) | PreprintThe Jura Fold-and-Thrust Belt: timing and kinematic of faulting and thrusting
sar and Marc Schori and Sandra Borderie and Louis Hauvette and Adeline Marro and Omar Radaideh and Anna Sommaruga and Anina Ursprung, (2022) | PreprintTectonics of the Western Jura Fold-and-Thrust Belt: from the Geneva Basin to the Bienne Valley (France). Mapping and forward modelling.
e Marro and Anna Sommaruga and Louis Hauvette and Sandra Borderie and Marc Schori and Jon Mosar, (2022) | PreprintPre-existing Basement Faults Controlling Deformation in the Jura Mountains Fold-and-Thrust Belt: Insights from Analogue Models
Tectonophysics (2021) | Journal articleNovel Bathymetry of Lake Afdera Reveals Fault Structures and Volcano-Tectonic Features of an Incipient Transform Zone (Afar, Ethiopia)
Frontiers in Earth Science (2021) | Journal articleCenozoic Tectonic Deformation Along the Pontarlier Strike‐Slip Fault Zone (Swiss and French Jura Fold‐and‐Thrust Belt): Insights From Paleostress and Geomorphic Analyses
Tectonics (2021) | Journal articleThe Development of the Jura Fold-and-Thrust Belt: pre-existing Basement Structures and the Formation of Ramps
Marc Schori, Jon Mosar (2021) | ThesisThe Zirconometry and Thermochronology of Migmatized Gneisses of the Gondaray Metamorphic Complex (Greater Caucasus)
Moscow University Geology Bulletin (2020) | Journal article