Language Learning in Tandem

Learning in tandem means learning the language of the partner in mutual exchange. A prerequisite level A1 (basic knowledge) in the desired language is recommended to get the most out of it. With your tandem partner, you choose the time, place (on-site or virtual) and frequency of your meetings. You decide together what your goals are (e.g. working on oral only or also writing).

How to find a tandem partner?

The University of Fribourg has joined the national platform which offers the possibility of finding a partner in a Swiss University or Higher Education Institution free of charge.

Who is edu.e-tandem for?

This platform is aimed at Swiss universities and Higher Education Institutions. Interested members of the Unifr and of our partner institutions can register directly via this platform. You can choose the type of meeting (on-site or online) and the status of the partner (student, lecturer or employee). More than 50 languages are available.

How to register?

Log in to the platform via your AAI|SWITCH edu-ID account and fill out the form.

What are the resources for tandem learning?

Resources for working in tandem are available on our Moodle platform as well as in our media library (learning books, but also games encouraging the use of languages). Places for tandem work can also be reserved in the media library.