Felix Rietmann

Dr. Dr.

History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health (18th-21st century)

History of Health and Illness in Childhood

History of Medical Technology

Medical Anthropology

Film and Medicine

Literature and Medicine

Material and Visual Culture of Medicine


Felix is an SNSF Ambizione fellow at the chair for medical humanities. He leads a small research group with a project entitled Raising a Well-Grown Child: Media and Material Cultures of Child Health in the Early Nineteenth Century (https://p3.snf.ch/project-193557). The project explores the cultural history of child health in German and French-speaking Europe in the early nineteenth century focusing on an analysis of popular periodicals, material culture, and domestic, medical, and pedagogical practices. See also: https://www.unifr.ch/research/en/news/news/26625/trad.

Felix was awarded a joint PhD from the Program in the History of Science and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities at Princeton University (USA) in 2018. His PhD-thesis explores the use of audiovisual technologies in the history of early chilhood psychiatry. In 2010, Felix received a Doctor medicinae (doctoral degree in medicine) from the Charité Berlin (Germany) and an MSc in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology from Imperial College London (UK). In 2008, he graduated with an medical degree from the Charité. Subsequently, he worked as an assistant doctor in, first, internal medicine, and, later, pediatrics and child psychiatry.

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