New release Published on 17.07.2020
Anthology to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Law and Religion
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Institute, an anthology on the relationship beween state and religion in 21st century Switzerland has been published in the FVRR series.
The book adresses current issues in the relatinship between state and religion in Switzerland. To mark its 40th anniversary, the Institute for Law and Religion invited colleagues to contribute a paper from their field of work. Among the topics covered in the papers are changes in the social significance of the Churches and religious communities, internal reform processes, the revisioin of the cantonal recognition law and tensions between the state and religious order. Some topics reflect specific Swiss particularities, while others are similarly discussed in other countries. This anniversary publication is thus an important snapshot as well as testimony to a dynamic debate on the constitutional law concerning religion.
Link to further publications of the FVRR series