Members of the board of trustees
The board of trustees is composed of various representatives whose membership has been laid down in the Statutes of 19 March 2004.
Below is a list of the current members:
- President, Dr. phil. et lic. iur. can. Claudius Luterbacher-Maineri
Head of the Office for Social Affairs of the Canton of St. Gallen / President of Caritas Switzerland (Member since 2011, President since 2018). - Vice-President, lic. iur. can. Urs Brosi
General secretary of the catholic church of Thurgau (Member since 2014, Vice-President since 2018).
- Prof. Dr. iur. can. et lic. theol. Adrian Loretan
Professor Ord. of canon and ecclesiastical law at the University of Lucerne. (Member since 1995) - Prof. Dr. iur. Christoph Winzeler
LL.M., Attorney at law (Member since 2003). - Prof. Dr. iur. can., Dr. iur. et lic. theol. Astrid Kaptijn
Professor Ord. of canon law and Vice-Rector at the University of Fribourg (Member since 2009). - Prof. Dr. iur. Andreas Stöckli
Professor Ord. of constitutional law and administrative law at the University of Fribourg (Member since 2022). - Prof. Dr. iur. Yves Mausen
Professor Ord. of Legal History and of Religion and Law (Member since 2015). -
Isabel Altmann, MLaw, MTh, Midlevel academic representative
- Aurélien Clivaz, Student representative