Research Seminar  2024 and 2025

Tuesday, usually 4:15 pm - 5:30 pm, room D130 (any change mentioned below).  

The research seminar is organized by Prof. Christelle Dumas and Prof. Mark Schelker.

How to add the ecopol research calendar to your calendar:

  • In Outlook: go to Calendar, then "Open calendar" (in Home), select "From Internet" and copy paste the link.
  • In Google Agenda: click on the small arrow right to "Autres Calendriers/Other calendars", select "Ajouter par URL/Add by URL" and copy paste the following link
  • September

    September 24,
    Presenter: Prof. Dr. Holger Strulik, University of Göttingen/Germany
    Title: How Do We Age? A Decomposition of Gompertz Law
    Abstract: A strong regularity of human life is Gompertz's law, which predicts a near-perfect exponential increase in mortality with age. In this paper, we take into account that chronological age is not a cause of death and decompose Gompertz's law into two equally strong laws: (i) an exponential increase in health deficits as measured by the frailty index, and (ii) a power law association between the frailty index and the mortality rate. We show how the increase in the frailty index can be derived from the feature of self-productivity of health deficits. We explore the robustness of the Gompertz decomposition across countries, gender, and over time and show how information about mortality rates can be used to infer the state of health of an age-structured population. Finally, we use this method to infer the biological ages of past populations, such as Australian men in 1940 and Swedish men in 1770.

  • October

    October 8,
    Presenter: Kosuke Imai, Harvard University

    October 29,
    Presenter: Petyo Bonev, University St.Gallen

  • November

    November 5,
    Presenter: Frederik Schwerter, Frankfurt School of Banking and Finance
    Time: 5pm - 6:15pm

    November 12,
    Presenter: Clément Imbert, Sciences Po Paris

    November 19,
    Presenter: more information soon

  • December

    December 3,
    Presenter: more information soon 

  • February

    February 25,
    Presenter: more information soon 

  • March

    March 11,
    Presenter: more information soon

    March 25,
    Presenter: more information soon 

  • April

    April 8,
    Presenter: more information soon 

  • May

    May 6,
    Presenter: more information soon 

    May 20,
    Presenter: more information soon