Département de Chimie

Recherche de haut niveau et enseignement innovant!



Latest publication from the Coskun Group!

Coskun Research Group has recently published a new article in the journal Angewandte Chemie, entitled "Interfacial Stabilization by Prelithiated Trithiocyanuric Acid as an Organic Additive in Sulfide-based…

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Latest publication from the Vuckovic Group!

Vuckovic Group has published a new paper about creating transferable data-driven models in chemistry in the journal Chemical Science, entitled "Identifying and embedding transferability in data-driven…

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Latest publication from the Salentinig Group!

Salentinig Research Group has recently published a new article in the journal Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, entitled "Amphiphilic Lipids for Food Functionality". Congratulations to Mr.…

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Focus sur la recherche

Fromm Research Group's research, based on coordination compounds and nanomaterials, covers several aspects. They are interested in the bioinorganic chemistry of silver, silver compounds and nanoparticles. They study their antimicrobial effect with the aim to use silver and its compounds as coatings for implants. In parallel, they investigate resistance mechanisms of bacteria against silver at the molecular level, as well as the biomineralization of silver from bacteria. 

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Message du Président de Département Prof. Ali Coskun

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