Justice and Well-Being in Organizational Life

  • Unterricht


    Fakultät Philosophische Fakultät
    Bereich Psychologie
    Code UE-L25.00734
    Sprachen Englisch
    Art der Unterrichtseinheit Seminar
    Kursus Master
    Semester SP-2020

    Zeitplan und Räume

    Vorlesungszeiten Freitag , Blockkurs (Frühlingssemester)


    • Steiner Dirk

    Limited number of participants

    Organizational justice is a well-established field of study in work and organizational psychology. Much research has examined both its antecedents and its consequences, confirming the importance of fair treatment for employees and for organizational effectiveness. Employee well-being, encompassing such concepts as satisfaction, stress, and emotions at work, is also an important topic for organizational researchers, with implications of applied importance. This seminar will survey the concepts of organizational justice and well-being, showing the important links between the two and emphasizing how workplace justice-based interventions can play a role in improving well-being at work.



    Master the concepts of organizational justice, understanding the development of perceptions of fairness and their implications for organizational life. Understand how fairness perceptions are related to emotions, both negative and positive, and their importance for well-being at work. Be able to propose organizational interventions applying the concepts studied in order to improve organizational life.



    Preparatory Assignments (to be completed by March 9, 2020):

    First, read the following articles:

    Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., Rodell, J. B., Long, D. M., Zapata, C. P., Conlon, D. E., & Wesson, M. J. (2013). Justice at the millennium, a decade later: A meta-analytic test of social exchange and affect-based perspectives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(2), 199-236. doi:10.1037/a0031757

    Robbins, J. M., Ford, M. T., & Tetrick, L. E. (2012). Perceived unfairness and employee health: A meta-analytic integration. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(2), 235-272.

    Second, prepare a short written assignment (5 pages double-spaced!), to be completed by March 9, 2020:

    Details on Gestens, please log-in "étudiants/Studierende"

    Verfügbarkeit 18
    Soft Skills Nein
    ausserhalb des Bereichs Ja
    BeNeFri Nein
    Mobilität Nein
    UniPop Nein


    Bibliographie Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., Rodell, J. B., Long, D. M., Zapata, C. P., Conlon, D. E., & Wesson,M. J. (2013). Justice at the millennium, a decade later: A meta-analytic test of social exchange and affect-based perspectives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(2), 199-236. doi:10.1037/a0031757Robbins, J. M., Ford, M. T., & Tetrick, L. E. (2012). Perceived unfairness and employee health: A meta-analytic integration. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(2), 235-272.
  • Einzeltermine und Räume
    Datum Zeit Art der Unterrichtseinheit Ort
    13.03.2020 09:15 - 17:00 Kurs RM 01, Raum C-0.101
    14.03.2020 09:15 - 17:00 Kurs RM 01, Raum C-0.101
  • Leistungskontrolle

    Schriftliche Arbeit - SP-2020, Sommersession 2020

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note, Nach bestanden/nicht bestanden

    Students will read important recent articles and write a short paper to prepare the seminar. During the seminar, they will work in teams to propose an intervention applying the concepts studied to respond to case studies indicating problems of well-being at work. The intervention will be presented orally at the end of the seminar, and a written report presenting its bases in relation to the scientific literature will be required following the seminar.

    Schriftliche Arbeit - SP-2020, Herbstsession 2020

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note, Nach bestanden/nicht bestanden

    Students will read important recent articles and write a short paper to prepare the seminar. During the seminar, they will work in teams to propose an intervention applying the concepts studied to respond to case studies indicating problems of well-being at work. The intervention will be presented orally at the end of the seminar, and a written report presenting its bases in relation to the scientific literature will be required following the seminar.

    Schriftliche Arbeit - SA-2020, Wintersession 2021

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note, Nach bestanden/nicht bestanden

    Students will read important recent articles and write a short paper to prepare the seminar. During the seminar, they will work in teams to propose an intervention applying the concepts studied to respond to case studies indicating problems of well-being at work. The intervention will be presented orally at the end of the seminar, and a written report presenting its bases in relation to the scientific literature will be required following the seminar.

    Schriftliche Arbeit - SP-2021, Sommersession 2021

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note, Nach bestanden/nicht bestanden

    Students will read important recent articles and write a short paper to prepare the seminar. During the seminar, they will work in teams to propose an intervention applying the concepts studied to respond to case studies indicating problems of well-being at work. The intervention will be presented orally at the end of the seminar, and a written report presenting its bases in relation to the scientific literature will be required following the seminar.

    Schriftliche Arbeit - SP-2021, Herbstsession 2021

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note, Nach bestanden/nicht bestanden

    Students will read important recent articles and write a short paper to prepare the seminar. During the seminar, they will work in teams to propose an intervention applying the concepts studied to respond to case studies indicating problems of well-being at work. The intervention will be presented orally at the end of the seminar, and a written report presenting its bases in relation to the scientific literature will be required following the seminar.

  • Zuordnung
    Zählt für die folgenden Studienpläne:
    Psychologie 30 [MA]
    Version: SA18_MA_P2_fr_de_bil_v01
    Spezialisierungsmodule > „Occupational Health Psychology“ und „Human Factors” (W&O A)

    Pädagogik / Psychologie 30 [MA]
    Version: SA20_MA_NP_de_v01
    Wahlpflichtmodule > Occupational Health Psychology and Human Factors

    Pädagogik / Psychologie 90 [MA]
    Version: SA20_MA_VP_de_v01
    Wahlpflichtmodule > Occupational Health Psychology and Human Factors