
Psychological correlates of body dissatisfaction in Swiss youth over a one-year study-period

It is well known that young individuals often report pronounced negative perceptions and attitudes towards their own body or intense fear of being not muscular enough. There is much less data available, however, on the role of psychological mechanisms on these perceptions and attitudes, such as emotion regulation difficulties, correlates of alexithymia, and appearance-related rejection sensitivity. We therefore set out to assess associations between these psychological mechanisms, and body image as well as muscle dysmorphic symptoms. Our sample was recruited as part of a larger-scale study aiming at assessing correlates of mental health (with a focus on eating disorder symptoms) in German speaking Switzerland.

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Correlates of interpersonal emotion regulation problems in Loss of Control eating (LOC) in youth: study protocol of the combined online and App based questionnaire, laboratory and randomized controlled online intervention i-BEAT trial

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) represents a common eating disorder associated with marked health impairments. A subclinical variant, loss of control eating (LOC) is prevalent in youth. LOC is associated with similar mental distress as full-blown BED, increases the risk to develop a BED and promotes continuous weight gain. The etiology of LOC is not yet fully understood and specialized treatment for youth is scarce.

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ALMA & GEORGES: Die Uni Freiburg bietet Unterstützung für junge Menschen mit Essanfällen

Zunehmende psychische Belastung auf der einen, Therapieengpässe auf der anderen Seite – es ist eine gefährliche Kombination, die sich Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in der Schweiz derzeit präsentiert. Das stellen auch Professorin Simone Munsch und Doktorandin Verena Müller vom Departement für Psychologie an der Universität Freiburg fest. Von den über 500 jungen Menschen, die sie zu deren Befindlichkeit befragt haben, gaben 43 Prozent an, psychisch belastet zu sein. «Die Ergebnisse decken sich mit unseren Erfahrungen bei der psychotherapeutischen Praxisstelle. Dort haben die Anfragen im letzten Jahr um 70 Prozent zugenommen», sagt Simone Munsch.

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