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Strongly Interacting Classical Particles in Confined Geometry : Ensemble Transformations

Breite Öffentlichkeit Verteidigung der Dissertation
24.03.2021 10:00

We study the relations between the micro-canonical, canonical and grand-canonical ensembles, and investigate the mathematical and numerical methods allowing to transform between them. Our main subject of interest is the Percus functional for the hard-rod potential, which is a rare example of an exact functional. After a brief introduction to the subject, we start by numerically calculating the grand-canonical partition function and then proceed to transform "downwards", first to the canonical and then to the micro-canonical ensembles, using various analytical and numerical methods.

Wann? 24.03.2021 10:00

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Vortragende Emmanuel Di Bernardo
Kontakt Département de physique, groupe Brader
Prof. Joseph Brader
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