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Breite Öffentlichkeit Kolloquium / Kongress / Forum
02.11.2022 16:50

Localized optical fields exert both conservative and non-conservative forces on polarizable objects. These forces can be used to control and manipulate the motion of atoms, molecules or nanoparticles. In this presentation I discuss our experiments with optically levitated nanoparticles in ultrahigh vacuum. Using active feedback control we cool the particle’s center-of-mass motion to near strand-still and measure its quantum zero-point energy. A laser-trapped particle in high vacuum defines a harmonic oscillator with ultrahigh quality factor. I will show that its damping is dominated by photon recoil heating. A levitated nanoparticle is a model system for studying non-equilibrium processes, nonlinear interactions, and ultrasmall forces.

Wann? 02.11.2022 16:50
Wo? PER 08 0.51
Chemin du Musée 3, 1700 Fribourg 
Vortragende Prof. Dr. Lukas Novotny
Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zurich

Kontakt Département de physique, groupe Acuna
Prof. Guillermo Acuna
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