
Thema des Vortrags Ort Datum
Increasing levels of differential pricing and dynamic pricing Doktorandenseminar, Augsburg, Deutschland 10/2019
Consumer perceptions of price complexity, manipulation and fairness in the context of increasing levels of differential pricing and dynamic pricing AMS Jahreskonferenz, online 12/2020
Consumer anger after double deviation: the role of failure severity, service involvement, and recovery timing AMS Jahreskonferenz, online 12/2020
Consumer Reactions to Dynamic Pricing as a Norm-Breaking Practice with Increasing Levels of Company Clarifications AMS Jahreskonferenz, online 06/2021
Negative consumer reactions to dynamic pricing with personal and external criteria AMA, online 02/2022
Intention to spread e-WOM about dynamic pricing for goods and services: the roles of feeling exploited and perceptions of price complexity Doktorandenseminar, Murten, Schweiz 04/2022
Intention to spread e-WOM about dynamic pricing for goods and services: the roles of feeling exploited and perceptions of price complexity AMS Jahreskonferenz, Monterey, USA 05/2022
Paradoxical fairness perceptions of dynamic pricing sequences Doktorandenseminar, Hohenheim, Deutschland 03/2023
Paradoxical fairness perceptions of dynamic pricing sequences AMS Jahreskonferenz, New Orleans, USA 05/2023


Award Thema des Vortrags Ort Datum
AMS Psychology & Marketing Special Award Intention to spread e-WOM about dynamic pricing for goods and services: the roles of feeling exploited and perceptions of price complexity AMS Annual Conference, Monterey, USA 05/2022