How to protect intellectual property

Does your research have a commercial potential?

The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Service can help you protecting it. The inventors disclose their inventions to the Service through an invention disclosure form.

Invention disclosure form

The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Service together with the inventors evaluate the invention (patentability and commercial potential). The inventors present their invention to the Intellectual Property (IP) Board of the University. On the basis of the assessment and the feedback from the IP Board, the Rectorate decides to file or not to file for patent protection.

Only new inventions can be patented. You must first file for patent protection and only afterwards can you publish your results in a scientific publication or disclose the results at a conference (posters and talks). Once made public the invention is not novel anymore and cannot be patented.


Consult our Guide for Inventors to better understand intellectual property and technology transfer:Guide for Inventors


Frequently Asked Questions