Archaeometry of Ancient Glass

Small glass objects, such as beads and pendants, are reported from the archaeological record as far back as the late third millennium BC. During Roman times, transparent glass vessels became common. During late antiquity, flat glass was used to close windows and as a valuable complement to architectonic decoration.

This site provides a general introduction on archaeometallurgy and more specific outlines on our current research, our laboratory facilities and our publications.

  • Publications
    Publications on Ancient Glasses




    Verità, M., Maggetti, M., Sagui, L. and Santopadre, P.: Colors of Roman glass : An Investigation of the Yellow Sectilia in the Gorga Collection. – Journal of Glass Studies, 55, 21-34.




    Eramo, G.: Pre-industrial glassmaking in the Swiss Jura: the refractory earth for the glassworks of Derrière Sairoche (ct. Bern, 1699-1714). - In : Maggetti, M. & Messiga, B. (Eds) « Geomaterials in Cultural Heritage ». Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 257, 2006, 187-199.


    Eramo, G.: The glass-melting furnace and the crucibles of Südel (1723-1741, Switzerland): provenance of the raw materials and new evidence of high thermal performances. – Journal of Cultural Heritage 7, 2006, 286-300.




    Eramo, G.: The melting furnace of the Derrière Sairoche glassworks (Court, Swiss Jura): heat-induced mineralogical transformations and their technological significance. – Archaeometry, 47, 3, 2005, 571-592.


    Kessler, C.M., Wolf, S. und Trümpler, S.: Die frühesten Zeugen ornamentaler Glasmalerei aus der Schweiz: die frühmittelalterlichen Fensterglasfunde von Sion, Sous-le-Scex. – Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte, Band 62, Heft 1, 2005, 1-30. Maggetti, M.: The Alps – A barrier or a passage for ceramic trade ? –Archaeometry, 47, 2, 2005, 389-401.


    Wolf, S. and Kessler, C.M.: The composition and manufacture of early medieval coloured window glass from Sion (Valais, Switzerland) - A roman glass-making tradition or innovative craftsmanship ? – Archaeometry, 47, 2, 2005, 361-380.