Published on 09.09.2019
New SNSF project "Civility, Cultural Exchange and Conduct Literature in Early Modern England, 1500-1800" launched
We are delighted to welcome the new members of the team working on the 4-year project, "Civility, Cultural Exchange, and Conduct Literature in Early Modern England, 1500-1800": Elizabeth Kukorelly (senior researcher), Pedro Carol (junior researcher), Emma Rayner (doctoral student), and Alrick Deillon (IT expert). The project is led by Prof. Indira Ghose and Prof. Emma Depledge (Neuchâtel).
The project team has received a very generous grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation to study the interrelated role played by production and reception in early modern English conduct literature (1500-1800), combining an approach from intellectual history with the methodologies of book history. The team will create an open-access database of all courtesy and conduct books published in England between 1500 and 1800, recording metadata concerning translation, publishing, marketing, and ownership. A primary aim of the project is to highlight how material and cultural aspects of texts helped to shape the circulation of cultural ideas within Europe.