

Workshop “Religion and Decolonization: The Catholic Church and the African Decolonization”

General public Study meeting
27.02.2024 10:00 - 17:00
+ Mixed

This “Religion and decolonization” workshop, held alternately between the University of Fribourg and KU Leuven, is organized by the research group “The Global Pontificate of Pius XII: Catholicism in a Divided World (1945-1958)”. The objective of this second edition is to
intersect religious and political perspectives on decolonization.

Two recent books focusing on French decolonization in Africa will be presented by their authors:
- Nicolas Bancel, Décolonisations ? Élites, jeunesse et pouvoir en Afrique occidentale française (1945-1960)
- Marialuisa Lucia Sergio, How the Church Under Pius XII Addressed Decolonization: The Issue of Algerian Independence

Two PhD students from the "The Global Pontificate of Pius XII" will present their research:
- Aurel Dewarrat, The Catholic Church and Decolonization in Cameroon : Politico-religious perspectives
- Sam Kuijken, «La Chiesa e lo Stato Belga siano due cose veramente distinte»: Church-State relations and Decolonization in Belgian Congo

When? 27.02.2024 10:00 - 17:00
Online 27 février 2024, 10h-17h Meeting-ID: 850 3816 3540 Kenncode: 988608

 Online event link

Where? BQC 11 2.525
Avenue Beauregard 11
1700 Fribourg
speaker Nicolas Bancel, Professeur d'histoire à l'Université de Lausanne
Marialuisa Lucia Sergio, Professeur d'histoire à l'Université de Rome III
Aurel Dewarrat, Doctorant en histoire contemporaine à l'Université de Fribourg
Sam Kuijken, Doctorant en histoire contemporaine à la KU Leuven
Contact Research group: "The Global Pontificate of Pius XII: Catholicism in a Divided World (1945-1958)"
Aurel Dewarrat
+33 7 69 01 45 41 0