Library plan and classification


Most articles from recent years of our periodicals are online and accessible via the catalogue.

Paper journals in biology, geosciences, medicine, and physics are on the first floor of Dokpe

  • The current year's journals are on the white shelves
  • years >= 2015 (and at most four years) are on the blue shelves in Dokpe 1st floor (see the link to the map below)

Earlier years are on the first floor underground.

The mathematics and chemistry journals are in the respective departments.


Books in chemistry,  biology,  physics and geosciences are in Dokpe on the first floor and second floor underground. You may use the link to the map below to find books on the first floor but it would be more efficient to search with the library catalogue.

Specialized books and journals in mathematics are in the department library. Books and journals in computer sciences are at the BP2 library.


Plan of the library (first floor)