Library of Art History and Philosophy (BHAP)

BHAP Library contains the two units BHAP-HA and BHAP-PH. The collection is oriented towards reasearch and education in the following subjects: art history, philosophy

Catalogue Search

Online resources - Philosophy

Philosophy titles published by Oxford University Press between Spring 2023 and Spring 2024 are now available online (access via Discovery).
List of titles in the Oxford Scholarship Online Philosophy 2023-24

From spring 2024, we enjoy direct access to new online publications in philosophy from Oxford University Press.

Opening Hours

Today closed
Mon 07.10.202408:00 – 18:00
Tue 08.10.202408:00 – 18:00
Wed 09.10.202408:00 – 18:00
Thu 10.10.202408:00 – 18:00
Fri 11.10.202408:00 – 18:00

All opening hours

Occupancy BHAP

Library closed
Good to know

Boxes with a blue stripe relate to the unit BHAP-PH (Philosophy), boxes with a red stripe to BHAP-HA (Art History).

This color-code also helps you find your way in the library.