Epidemiology for Psychologists II: Current Issues in Research on Mental and Behavioral Disorders

  • Unterricht


    Fakultät Philosophische Fakultät
    Bereich Psychologie
    Code UE-L25.00883
    Sprachen Englisch
    Art der Unterrichtseinheit Seminar
    Kursus Master
    Semester SA-2019

    Zeitplan und Räume

    Vorlesungszeiten Montag 17:15 - 19:00, Wöchentlich (Herbstsemester)


    • Weitkunat Rolf

    The course will provide a forum for students to become familiar with recent epidemiologic literature in the area of mental and psychosocial disorders. The goal is to gain experience and improve skills to critically evaluate epidemiological publications, to effectively presenting the essential contents to others, and to debate the studies and findings.

    Participants will write short reviews of selected original research articles and present their contents, focusing on questions like what was the background of the study and what was the research question, how was the question addressed (design, methods, and procedures), how were the data analyzed, what are the results, what is the quality of the data and what evidence do the results provide with regard to the research question, what is the importance of the study, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the article, which questions are left for further research. 

    To maximize the benefit from attending the course, participants should have previously completed Epidemiology for Psychologists I or have a good understanding of basic epidemiological concepts and methods


    To maximize the benefit from attending the course, participants should have previously completed Epidemiology for Psychologists I.


    23. 9. / 7. 10. / 14. 10. / 21. 10. / 28. 10. / 4. 11. / 11. 11. / 18. 11. / (25. 11.) 

    Soft Skills Nein
    ausserhalb des Bereichs Ja
    BeNeFri Nein
    Mobilität Nein
    UniPop Nein



    Basic Literature

    du Prel JB, Röhrîng B, Blettner M (2009). Critical appraisal of scientifc articles. Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 106, 100-105. http://dx.doi.org/10.3238/arztebl.2009.0100

    Heneghan C & Badenoch D (2006). Evidence based médicine toolkit. Massachusetts: Blackwell.

    Susser E et al. (2006). Psychiatric epidemiology. New York: Springer.

    Young JM & Solomon MJ (2009). How to critically appraise an article. Nature Clinical Practice, 6, 82-91.

    Advanced Literature

    Research articles to be reviewed by participants as well as Advanced literature related to specific topics will be distribute/announced during the course.

  • Einzeltermine und Räume
    Datum Zeit Art der Unterrichtseinheit Ort
    16.09.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    23.09.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    30.09.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    07.10.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    14.10.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    21.10.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    28.10.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    04.11.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    11.11.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    18.11.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    25.11.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    02.12.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    09.12.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
    16.12.2019 17:15 - 19:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-01.118
  • Leistungskontrolle

    Vortrag - SA-2019, Wintersession 2020

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note

    Final mark is given on the basis of work done during the course and under the condition of a regular participation.

    Vortrag - SP-2020, Sommersession 2020

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note

    Final mark is given on the basis of work done during the course and under the condition of a regular participation.

    Vortrag - SP-2020, Herbstsession 2020

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note

    Final mark is given on the basis of work done during the course and under the condition of a regular participation.

    Vortrag - SA-2020, Wintersession 2021

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note

    Final mark is given on the basis of work done during the course and under the condition of a regular participation.

  • Zuordnung
    Zählt für die folgenden Studienpläne:
    Psychologie 30 [MA]
    Version: SA18_MA_P2_fr_de_bil_v01

    Psychologie 90 [MA]
    Version: SA22_MA_PA_fr_de_bil_v01
    Grundpfeiler > Basismodul

    Psychologie 90 [MA]
    Version: SA21_MA_PA_fr_de_bil_v01
    Grundpfeiler > Basismodul

    Pädagogik / Psychologie 90 [MA]
    Version: SA20_MA_VP_de_v01
    Wahlpflichtmodule > Basics in Psychology