

CUSO Workshop : "Critical transition, early-warning sign, and coexistence theory"

Academic or specialist Colloquium / Congress / Forum
20.06.2022 09:30 - 21.06.2022 16:15

A long-standing problem in ecology is how we can quantify the environmental perturbation that a population or a community can tolerate before switching to an undesirable state. This workshop aims to study this essential question from the critical transition and the coexistence theory perspective.

1) Critical transitions arise when systems undergo an abrupt transition in their state. Often, the recovery of the system to its previous state cannot be achieved without intense efforts. A classical example of such a transition is the eutrophication of shallow lakes. Despite the complexity of the underlying dynamics, such regime shifts are preceded by generic early warning signals.

2) Coexistence theory aims to study the conditions for species to coexist at a given place and time. However, the majority of empirical and theoretical understanding comes from two-species systems. The reason is one of practicality: experiments and theory devoted to understanding the interaction of two species are simpler and more tractable. Nonetheless, the focus on pairwise coexistence misses important processes that only emerge in diverse systems of competitors. The maintenance of coexistence in species-rich ecosystems clearly requires a theory that goes beyond the pairwise framework. A multispecies coexistence theory will be introduced and applied to the study of coexistence under changing environment.

When? 20.06.2022 09:30    -    21.06.2022 16:15
Where? PER 21 C130
Bd de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg 
speaker Dr. Sonia Kéfi (CNRS, France)
Title: The resilience of ecosystems and their spatial signature

Dr. Vasilis Dakos (CNRS, France)
Title: Quantifying resilience: Tipping points and early-warnings

Prof. Nicolas Loeuille (Sorbonne University, France):
Title: Implications of eco-evolutionary dynamics for the resilience of ecological networks

Dr. Rudolf Rohr (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
Title: From limiting similarity to coexistence theory

Prof. Serguei Saavedra (MIT)
Title: Understanding multispecies coexistence under unknown heterogenous environment
Contact Department of Biology
Rudolf Rohr
Chemin du musée 10
1700 Fribourg


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