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Emergent honeycomb physics from chiral atomic orbitals on a triangular lattice

Ouvert au grand public Colloque / Congrès / Forum
26.04.2023 16:50

In the hunt for room-temperature quantum spin Hall insulators, bismuthene [1] has demonstrated the impressive advantage of a local spin-orbit coupling experienced by the in-plane p-orbitals. This alternative to pi-bond graphene can be pushed to a conceptually even more essential level upon halving the honeycomb lattice, i.e. considering chiral p-orbitals on a triangular lattice. We theoretically conceive and experimentally realize for the first time a triangular real-space obstructed QSHI [2,3], "indenene", an indium monolayer exhibiting non-trivial valley physics and a large gap, as well as representing a model platform for higher-order topology [4]. We identify an interference mechanism of the Bloch functions and the emergence of a hidden honeycomb pattern in the charge localization, which makes the topological classification accessible to bulk experiments, without the necessity of quantum edge transport.

Quand? 26.04.2023 16:50
Où? PER 08 0.51
Chemin du Musée 3, 1700 Fribourg 
Intervenants Asst. Prof. Domenico Di Sante
University of Bologne
Invited by group Monney
Contact Département de physique, groupe Monney
Prof. Claude Monney
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