
Remise des diplômes
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Dies Academicus - Hommages et distinctions académiques
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Liste des distinctions reçues par des membres du Département de physique de Fribourg
  • 2024

    Vigener Prize 2024, Salomée Tschopp, PhD thesis: New approaches to classical (dynamical) density functional theory by including inhomogeneous two-body correlation functions, more info

  • 2023

    Mass Challenge Diamond Prize won by "Impossible Materials", chem-tech spin-off of the University of Fribourg and the University of Cambridge, Lukas Schertel, CEO and co-founder, more info

    Agora outreach project funded by the SNF, "Scientist demystified",  Ana Akrapmore info

    Best Prix du meilleur Doctorat en Sciences théoriques, Dr Olivier Simard, pour sa thèse intitulée "Nonequilibrium methods to treat vertex corrections in correlated electron systems". more info

    Best Bachelor of Science award, Sophie Nathalie Bamertmore info

    Best poster award, 12th Workshop on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry WSW2023 Prague, Laurent Bugnonmore info

    Winner prize Innovation challenge, Morgane Lorétanmore info

    Ludwig-Genzel-Prize, Prof. Ana Akrap, more info 

    Proof-of-Concept grant, Prof. Guillermo Acuna, more info

    Proof-of-Concept grant, Dr Sofia Magkiriadou, more info

  • 2022

    Thürler-Reeb Grant, Frédéric Chassot, Master thesis: An experimental and computational study on the effects of the ferroelectric transition in the electronic structure of SnTe, more info

    Published in the Springer Thesis Series, Dr Fryderyk Lyzwa, more info 

    Best Bachelor of Science award, Joël Morf, more info

    Prix de Vigier, Dr Lukas Schertel, more info

    Präsident des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz (Mitgliedsgesellschaft der IRPA für Deutschland und die Schweiz) 2022/2023, Prof. Dr. Hanruedi Völklemore info 

  • 2021

    Prof. Ana Akrap is among the 151 Outstanding Referees of the Physical Review journals, as chosen by the journal editors for 2021
    Outstanding Referees

    Prix de l'Enseignement de l'UNIFR, Dr. Baptiste Hildebrand, Faculté des sciences et de médecinePlus d'infos

     Best Bachelor of Science award, Matthias Murray more info

  • 2020

    2020 EPFL Physics Doctoral Thesis Award, Dr Edoardo Martino more info

    Charpak-Ritz 2020 Price winner, Prof. Dr Philipp Werner more info

  • 2019
  • 2018

    Carl Ramsauer Prize, Dr Christopher Nicholson awarded by the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin
    more info

    Best Bachelor of Science award, Romain Moyard more info

    Award of the Chorafas Foundation, Dr Baptiste Hildebrand more info

  • 2017

    Award of the Chorafas Foundation, Markus Dantz more info

  • 2016

    Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences – Master Thesis, Philippe Aebischer

    Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences – PhD Thesis, Dr Hans-Christian Koch

  • 2015

    Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences – Master Thesis, Marie-Laure Mottas

    Award of the Chorafas Foundation, Dr Miguel Angel Uribe Laverde

  • 2014

    JARI Entreprise Award of the Journal Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Dr Joanna Hoszowska

    Vigener Award  - Best PhD Thesis, Dr An Zeng

    Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences – Best Master Thesis, Philipp Aebischer

    Best Bachelor of Science Award, Marie-Laure Mottas

  • 2013

    Vigener Award - Best Master Thesis, Baptiste Hildebrand

  • 2012

    European Research Council (ERC) - Starting Grant, Prof. Philipp Werner

  • 2011

    Vigener Award  - Best Master Thesis, Gaël Monney

    Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences – Best PhD Thesis, Dr Victor Lebedev

    Faculty Award in Theoretical Sciences - Best PhD Thesis, Dr Zike Zhang

    Faculty Best Bachelor of Science Award, Baptiste Hildebrand 

  • 2010

    Award of the Chorafas Foundation, Dr Tao Zhou

  • 2009
  • 2008

    Honorary Professor of the University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei, Prof. Yi-Cheng Zhang

    Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences - PhD Thesis, Dr Frédéric Cardinaux

    Faculty Award in Theoretical Sciences - PhD Thesis, Dr Matus Medo

  • 2007
  • 2006

    Changjiang Chair Honorary Professor of Renmin University, Beijing, Prof. Yi-Cheng Zhang

    Faculty Award in Theoretical Sciences - PhD Thesis, Dr Simone Ulzega

  • 2005

    Award of the Swiss Physical Society (SPS), Award for Applied Physics, sponsored by Phonak, Georg Bison

    Thürler-Reeb Grant, Eric Schmidlin

  • 2004

    Nomination for Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis 2004, Prof. Antoine Weis, Georg Bison, PD Dr. Robert Wynandsmore info

    Award of the Gerbert-Ruef Foundation, Dr Georg Bison

    Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences - PhD Thesis, Dr Georg Bison

    Award of the Chorafas Foundation, Dr Max Goerbig

    Faculty Award in Theoretical Sciences - PhD Thesis, Dr Paolo Laureti

  • 2003

    Runner up at Innovation Awards of Wall Street Journal Europe, Prof. Antoine Weis, Georg Bison, PD Dr. Robert Wynandsmore info

    Thürler-Reeb Grant, Benedikt Binz

  • 2002
  • 2001

    Award of the Gerbert-Ruef Foundation, Dr Claus Urban

    Thürler-Reeb Grant, Christophe Aebischer

  • 2000

    Award of the Swiss Physical Society (SPS), Award for General Physics, sponsored by ABB, Jérôme Buerki & Charles Stafford

    Award of the Chorafas Foundation, Dr Damien Challet