Compétences numériques

Data Analytics in Python


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Mardi 14:15 - 16:00

Salle PER21 - B230

Type Séminaire / Cours
Langue·s Anglais
Université de Fribourg

 Étudiant·es / Chercheur·euses / Enseignant·es


Data Analytics has become ubiquitous over the past decades, as tools based on Machine Learning continue producing innovative results in increasingly more fields. This course provides the foundations to autonomously understand and navigate the topic, with a practice-first approach that yet remains well-grounded into the theory. Students are confronted with weekly assignments, which begin without assumptions on prior knowledge, but soon explore in depth the Python programming language, data handling and pre-processing, visualization and plotting, all the way into the foundation of Machine Learning proper. The skills and confidence acquired are immediately applicable to real-world challenges, both in an industrial, product-first environment, and towards modern challenges in research-oriented academic laboratories.
The course is entirely in English, and available at all time on Moodle. The students are encouraged to follow the lectures at their own pace, and start at any time, with the Moodle forums and frontal lectures providing extra support.
Main topics:

  • Python programming: language fundamentals, Jupyter notebooks, object-oriented programming, advanced functionalities, core libraries, debugging.
  • Handling data: data sources, defects and mitigation, access and formats, visualization.
  • Problem analysis: experiment design, data selection, normalization, feature selection, fundamental statistics.
  • Machine Learning: classification, regression, clustering, imputation, dimensionality reduction, with a few selected algorithms on each topic.
  • Study of modern libraries and tools: numpy, jupyter, pandas, seaborn/matplotlib, scikit-learn, keras/tensorflow.

Code : UE-I09.00013


This online course provides the students with the competences and skills to perform advanced Data Analysis using the Python programming language.


The course Python programming online is recommended but not mandatory.


Fischer Andreas


Jungo Michael

Dates et lieux
Période Lieu
17.09.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
24.09.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
01.10.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
08.10.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
15.10.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
22.10.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
29.10.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
05.11.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
12.11.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
19.11.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
26.11.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
03.12.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
10.12.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg
17.12.2024 de 14:15 à 16:00 Université de Fribourg