Fribourg day of cognition

Teacher(s): Haag Marcus, Kaeser Mélanie, Rima Samy
Level: Bachelor
Type of lesson: Colloquium
ECTS: 0.5
Language(s): English
Semester(s): AS-2021
Meeting scientifique dans le domaine des neurosciences cognitives : présentations orales et posters

Training aims

The « Fribourg day of cognition » is an annual meeting for researchers in cognitive neurosciences at the University of Fribourg (mainly students in medicine and psychology). The goal is to introduce research projects done in our university on this field by the mean of oral or poster presentation. To obtain ECTS credits, it will be ask the students to choose a particular presentation and to write a report (approximatively 2 pages in English or French if possible). This report should explain the hypotheses tested, the methodology chosen, a summary of the main results and concluded with a brief critical discussion.

Students registered for SME.04002 or SME.07002 should attend the entire conference including poster session. To obtain credit they also need to write a short report as outlined above.  Deadline for report submission is 22.10.2021.  Please send your report before this deadline by email to with "Fribourg Cognition Day report" in the subject line