New Digital JournalPublikationsdatum 31.12.2021

MAUSS International N°1 | "Opening Gift"

MAUSS International N°1 | "Opening Gift"

MAUSS International presents its first issue: "Opening Gift". This journal aims to bring MAUSS-branded scholarship to a truly international audience. MAUSS wagers on the possibility of renewing and extending the main innovation of The Gift by Marcel Mauss in the context of "the gift-paradigm" and using it as a basis for a general social theory.

The Revue du M.A.U.S.S. has been founded by Alain Caillé and his collaborators in 1981 to respond to the growing influence of market logic and its utilitarian matrix on the social sciences, humanities and more generally on society as a whole. Beyond the critique of economic utilitarianism, the Movement finds in the gift-paradigm - discovered and exposed by Marcel Mauss in his “Essai sur le don” (1925) - the foundation of a general theory of social action.

Prof. François Gauthier is cofoundator and coeditor of MAUSS International. The journal is published by Le Bord de l’Eau (editions) et distributed by Cairn International Edition.