Social and motivational processes and outcomes across the lifespan: Theory and Methods

  • Enseignement


    Faculté Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
    Domaine Psychologie
    Code UE-L25.01042
    Langues Anglais
    Type d'enseignement Séminaire
    Cursus Master
    Semestre(s) SA-2019

    Horaires et salles

    Horaire résumé Vendredi , Cours bloc (Semestre d'automne)


    • Hoppmann Christiane

    Dr. Christiane Hoppmann, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada,

    This course provides insights into the socio-motivational mechanisms underlying health and well-being across the adult lifespan and into old age. You will learn about age-related changes in motivations and social relationships as well as their ramifications for daily life processes and longer-term outcomes in two central domains of functioning: physical health and subjective wellbeing. In addition to these substantive questions, we will also discuss different research traditions and methodologies that can be used to investigate intraindividual variability and long-term change. One goal of the course is to become familiar with theory and research methods on socio-motivational mechanisms. A second goal will be to learn to critically evaluate research in this area and think about its practical implications. 

    Format:The language of this course is English. It is a discussion seminar. Given this format, students are asked to read the assigned literature in advance.  

    Places disponibles 50
    Softskills Non
    Hors domaine Non
    BeNeFri Non
    Mobilité Non
    UniPop Non
  • Dates et salles
    Date Heure Type d'enseignement Lieu
    29.11.2019 09:15 - 17:00 Cours RM 02, salle S-0.113
    30.11.2019 09:15 - 17:00 Cours RM 02, salle S-0.113
  • Modalités d'évaluation

    Travail écrit - SA-2019, Session d'hiver 2020

    Mode d'évaluation Par note

    Your grade will be assigned on the basis of your participation in classand two 1-page reaction papers that are due 3 days before the seminar. There will be a list of readings organized by topic with multiple readings each. You are to pick one topic per day (two in total) and prepare a 1-page paper for each topic commenting on conceptual or methodological aspects of the readings that you find interesting, convincing, or confusing. You can also outline a new idea that you derive from the readings, talk about practical implications, or write about aspects that should have been addressed and that are missing. In other words, provide a critical evaluation of the readings as a whole and the respective implications for research and practice. At the bottom of each reaction paper, you are to include 2-3 thought-provoking questions related to your paper that could spur discussion during class time. Please be prepared to lead a discussion on these questions. Your reaction papers and questions will allow me to make sure that we cover all major issues and questions. Please send your reaction papers and questions as word attachments via email the three days before the beginning of the Blockseminar. Do not forget to include your full name. Please note that in order to achieve a balance of assignments across topics, there is a separately provided list where you can enter your name behind the topic of your choice. If all lines behind a certain topic are full that means that you need to pick a different topic.

    Travail écrit - SP-2020, Session d'été 2020

    Mode d'évaluation Par note

    Your grade will be assigned on the basis of your participation in classand two 1-page reaction papers that are due 3 days before the seminar. There will be a list of readings organized by topic with multiple readings each. You are to pick one topic per day (two in total) and prepare a 1-page paper for each topic commenting on conceptual or methodological aspects of the readings that you find interesting, convincing, or confusing. You can also outline a new idea that you derive from the readings, talk about practical implications, or write about aspects that should have been addressed and that are missing. In other words, provide a critical evaluation of the readings as a whole and the respective implications for research and practice. At the bottom of each reaction paper, you are to include 2-3 thought-provoking questions related to your paper that could spur discussion during class time. Please be prepared to lead a discussion on these questions. Your reaction papers and questions will allow me to make sure that we cover all major issues and questions. Please send your reaction papers and questions as word attachments via email the three days before the beginning of the Blockseminar. Do not forget to include your full name. Please note that in order to achieve a balance of assignments across topics, there is a separately provided list where you can enter your name behind the topic of your choice. If all lines behind a certain topic are full that means that you need to pick a different topic.

    Travail écrit - SP-2020, Session d'automne 2020

    Mode d'évaluation Par note

    Your grade will be assigned on the basis of your participation in classand two 1-page reaction papers that are due 3 days before the seminar. There will be a list of readings organized by topic with multiple readings each. You are to pick one topic per day (two in total) and prepare a 1-page paper for each topic commenting on conceptual or methodological aspects of the readings that you find interesting, convincing, or confusing. You can also outline a new idea that you derive from the readings, talk about practical implications, or write about aspects that should have been addressed and that are missing. In other words, provide a critical evaluation of the readings as a whole and the respective implications for research and practice. At the bottom of each reaction paper, you are to include 2-3 thought-provoking questions related to your paper that could spur discussion during class time. Please be prepared to lead a discussion on these questions. Your reaction papers and questions will allow me to make sure that we cover all major issues and questions. Please send your reaction papers and questions as word attachments via email the three days before the beginning of the Blockseminar. Do not forget to include your full name. Please note that in order to achieve a balance of assignments across topics, there is a separately provided list where you can enter your name behind the topic of your choice. If all lines behind a certain topic are full that means that you need to pick a different topic.

    Travail écrit - SA-2020, Session d'hiver 2021

    Mode d'évaluation Par note

    Your grade will be assigned on the basis of your participation in classand two 1-page reaction papers that are due 3 days before the seminar. There will be a list of readings organized by topic with multiple readings each. You are to pick one topic per day (two in total) and prepare a 1-page paper for each topic commenting on conceptual or methodological aspects of the readings that you find interesting, convincing, or confusing. You can also outline a new idea that you derive from the readings, talk about practical implications, or write about aspects that should have been addressed and that are missing. In other words, provide a critical evaluation of the readings as a whole and the respective implications for research and practice. At the bottom of each reaction paper, you are to include 2-3 thought-provoking questions related to your paper that could spur discussion during class time. Please be prepared to lead a discussion on these questions. Your reaction papers and questions will allow me to make sure that we cover all major issues and questions. Please send your reaction papers and questions as word attachments via email the three days before the beginning of the Blockseminar. Do not forget to include your full name. Please note that in order to achieve a balance of assignments across topics, there is a separately provided list where you can enter your name behind the topic of your choice. If all lines behind a certain topic are full that means that you need to pick a different topic.

    Travail écrit - SP-2021, Session d'été 2021

    Mode d'évaluation Par note

    Your grade will be assigned on the basis of your participation in classand two 1-page reaction papers that are due 3 days before the seminar. There will be a list of readings organized by topic with multiple readings each. You are to pick one topic per day (two in total) and prepare a 1-page paper for each topic commenting on conceptual or methodological aspects of the readings that you find interesting, convincing, or confusing. You can also outline a new idea that you derive from the readings, talk about practical implications, or write about aspects that should have been addressed and that are missing. In other words, provide a critical evaluation of the readings as a whole and the respective implications for research and practice. At the bottom of each reaction paper, you are to include 2-3 thought-provoking questions related to your paper that could spur discussion during class time. Please be prepared to lead a discussion on these questions. Your reaction papers and questions will allow me to make sure that we cover all major issues and questions. Please send your reaction papers and questions as word attachments via email the three days before the beginning of the Blockseminar. Do not forget to include your full name. Please note that in order to achieve a balance of assignments across topics, there is a separately provided list where you can enter your name behind the topic of your choice. If all lines behind a certain topic are full that means that you need to pick a different topic.

    Condition Examen généré et réservé pour les reports
    Commentaire Examen généré et réservé pour les reports
  • Affiliation
    Valable pour les plans d'études suivants:
    Psychologie 30 [MA]
    Version: SA18_MA_P2_fr_de_bil_v01
    Module de base

    Pédagogie / Psychologie 90 [MA]
    Version: SA20_MA_VP_de_v01
    Wahlpflichtmodule > Basics in Psychology