Nathalie Dherbey

Doktor, Sprachwissenschaft, Doktor, Medizin


Formation complémentaire : Statistiques dans R, Gestion de projet

2020 -Mai       R Programming, Johns Hopkins U.

2020 -Avril     Getting and cleaning Data, Johns Hopkins U. 

2020 -Mars     The Data scientist’s toolbox, Johns Hopkins U. 

2020 - Fev      Logistic regression in R for public health, Imperial College London

2020                Statistics and linear mixed models 2, Fribourg U. J.vanHove

2019                Project management, C. Marguerat. CUSO (HEG) Genève. 27/08-10/09.

2019                Gestion des Données manquantes. A. Berchtold. U. de Lausanne. 4-5 avril.

2018                Statistics and linear mixed models 1. Fribourg University. J.vanHove

2017               Statistical standards for scientific discovery in Linguistics.  U. of Zurich. 4-6 octobre.

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