BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:19701025T060000 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=1SU END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:19700426T070000 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=2SU END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-0 DTSTART:20190917T111500Z DTEND:20190917T130000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 0 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-1 DTSTART:20190924T111500Z DTEND:20190924T130000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 1 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-2 DTSTART:20191001T111500Z DTEND:20191001T130000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 2 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-3 DTSTART:20191008T111500Z DTEND:20191008T130000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 3 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-4 DTSTART:20191015T111500Z DTEND:20191015T130000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 4 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-5 DTSTART:20191022T111500Z DTEND:20191022T130000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 5 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-6 DTSTART:20191029T121500Z DTEND:20191029T140000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 6 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-7 DTSTART:20191105T121500Z DTEND:20191105T140000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 7 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-8 DTSTART:20191112T121500Z DTEND:20191112T140000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 8 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-9 DTSTART:20191119T121500Z DTEND:20191119T140000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 9 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-10 DTSTART:20191126T121500Z DTEND:20191126T140000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 10 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-11 DTSTART:20191203T121500Z DTEND:20191203T140000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 11 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-12 DTSTART:20191210T121500Z DTEND:20191210T140000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 12 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:SA-2019-90271-13 DTSTART:20191217T121500Z DTEND:20191217T140000Z STATUS: SUMMARY:Proseminar: The Virgin Mary and the Role of Women in Medieval England - 13 DESCRIPTION:enseignants: Dutton Elisabeth\n Url timetable: ?show=90271\nType:Kurs LOCATION: MIS 02 Raum 2122 ORGANIZER;CN=Dutton END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR