Dr. iur. Christa Nadakavukaren Schefer

Co-Director Swiss Institute for Comparative Law
Nationality: Swiss
Course: WTO Law, Investment Law

Professor Krista NADAKAVUKAREN SCHEFER is Co-Director of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law and on the Faculty of the World Trade Institute in Bern, and was formerly a Swiss Research Foundation Professor at the University of Basel. Long interested in the intersection of international economic law and other areas international law, her research has looked at poverty, corruption, human rights, and vulnerability as well as the more traditional topics of trade and investment law. She is currently actively pursuing research on the legal implications of obesity and the law of data protection. Professor Nadakavukaren is a native of the United States. She received her juris doctor from Georgetown University Law School, and her doctorate and Habilitation from the University of Bern.


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Institute for International Business Law
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