Ecology, Technology and Ways of Life for a New Era
The study days (June 2023) explore sustaining visions of hope for our world. We live in times of fundamental change: the digital transformation is revolutionizing all areas of life, science, medicine, politics, law, economy, education, communication and also everyday life. In addition to the ecological climate change, we are also experiencing spiritual and cultural climate change. These developments affect all of us and not least the coming generations.
So what is the hope of the Christian faith amidst these challenges? In answering this question, the 9th Study Days on Theological and Social Renewal explore theologically motivated, positive visions for a new era:
Visions for creation in terms of a responsible ecology, visions for humanity in terms of a fruitful engagement of new technologies, and visions for our living together in the context of a culture of flourishing live.
Participation fees
Whole conference: CHF 250.00
Day admission: CHF 100.00
Student discount
Students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's program at the Universities of Fribourg, Basel, Bern, Geneva and Zurich can attend free of charge. Also members of the Forschungskolleg Collegium Emmaus as well as all academic staff of the University of Fribourg can attend free of charge. All other students receive a 50% discount.
The conference will be translated from German into English and French or from English into German and French. Professional simultaneous translation will be provided.
From Wednesday to Friday,
14 - 16 June 2023
with Oliver Dürr, Carmody Grey, Christine Schliesser, Günter Thomas, Ruth Valerio, Rowan Williams and many others.
Conference Venue
The Conference takes place in the main building of the University of Fribourg (Campus Miséricorde), within walking distance from the Fribourg railway station (5 minutes on foot). Upon arrival by train, leave the train station through the back exit (direction ‘TPF bus station’). Turn immediately right at the bus station, go straight towards the zebra crossing, cross the main road, turn left and follow the Avenue de l’Europe in the direction of the University.
Getting there
By train: Trains from Bern and Lausanne/Geneva towards Fribourg run every 30 minutes.
By car: Parking space is available in nearby car parks. For more information, please check the website : Fribourg Tourisme.
Accommodation is not covered by the conference fee. Please book a hotel separately.
Information on accommodation and hotels can be found on the website of Fribourg Tourism.
It is also possible to book cheaper guest rooms in the Bed & Breakfast's of the city of Fribourg and its surroundings. A list of the official B&Bs is available here.
All coffee breaks and receptions will take place in the hall in front of the Aula Magna.
For meals, we recommend the University canteen, which offers two lunch menus, a vegetarian buffet, a salad buffet and a grill buffet daily. Numerous other restaurants are within walking distance.