On the sacred, holiness and sanctification in a secular age.
"Be holy because I am holy!" (1Peter 1:16) God, or the divine, is difficult to separate from the holy. It designates the totally other. Characteristically, the sacred refers to the transcendent and thus stands in contrast to the profane, the worldly immanent. Yet, the apostle Peter calls the communities in the diaspora to correspond to the holy and to become holy themselves in their way of life. The dividing line between transcendence and immanence, between the sacred and the profane, is thus called into question anew. What does the call for sanctity mean today? The modern urge for autonomy, world availability and progress has become groundbreaking for our time, and, at the same time, in the concept of “demystification” a notion has become socially acceptable that has had a lasting influence on our view of the world. What consequences does this have for religion, faith, and the church? During the eight annual study days, we will discuss the power of the sacred in a demystified world, inquiring into questions about the social form of the communio sanctorum and with saints from the entire Christian tradition.
During the Study Days for Theological and Social Renewal, perspectives on the renewal of theology, church and society will be presented and discussed. In addition to the German sociologist Hans Joas, who will attempt to demystify “demystification”, the event will feature distinguished representatives from the church, academy and culture from Switzerland and abroad.
The 8th Study Days with Hans Joas and Michael Triegel as well as Silvianne Aspray, Barbara Hallensleben, Veronika Hoffmann, Ralph Kunz, Joachim Negel and many others.