Turn on Federalism WebinarPublished on 15.06.2023

Upcoming Turn on Federalism Webinar on «Decentralization and Inequality in Argentina» on the 4th of July 2023

The Webinar, happening on the 4th of July 2023 at 2.30pm (CET), analyzes the links between decentralization and inequality in Argentina, focusing on intergovernmental coordination between the federal and provincial level. Differences in socioeconomic indicators, and an absence of long-term policies suggest that interprovincial inequalities in Argentina remain high even after decades of decentralization. The discussion will highlight the reasons thereof by analyzing three selected social policies, namely health, education and housing policies.

The speaker of the Webinar is Cristian Altavilla, Assistant Researcher at CNICET, Argentina and our moderator is Thea Bächler, Research Fellow at the Institute of Federalism. The Webinar is hosted by the Hanns Seidel Foundation in cooperation with the Institute of Federalism.

To register click on the following link: Turn On Federalism Registration - Zoom.
