

Co-inhabiting Urban Spaces: Residential infrastructures, built environment and communal activism in Haifa, Israel

07.01.2024 09:00 - 20.01.2024 19:00

BeNeFri Winter School of Social Anthropology: Co-inhabiting Urban Spaces: Residential infrastructures, built environment and communal activism in Haifa, Israel

We invite BA and MA students of anthropology from the Universities of Fribourg, Bern, and Neuchâtel to join us for a research trip to the ethnically mixed town of Haifa. The research trip is organized by the Social Anthropology Unit at the University of Fribourg in collaboration with the Department of Social Anthropoloy at the University of Haifa. We will explore how different realities of life manifest in and through the infrastructures and materialities of the city, and how residents shape the neighborhoods and their built environment through everyday activities and communal activism. In doing so, we attempt to render tangible the social dynamics, ambivalences, and tensions that make up today’s Haifa.

Quand? 07.01.2024 09:00    -    20.01.2024 19:00
Où? Haifa, Israel
Contact Sibylle Lustenberger


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